Thursday, November 25, 2010

Dog ear infection surgery

Most dog ear infections respond to prescription ear ointments and cleaning if they are diagnosed early and treated thoroughly (always finish the bottle or tube of medication unless directed otherwise by your vet, return to your vet if the ear is not improving as expected).  In some more severe cases other medications such as oral antibiotics and anti-inflammatories are required.

In middle and inner ear infections, or chronic ear infections, surgery may sometimes be required to effectively treat the infection.  In some cases this may help open the external or the inner ear so it can clear infection more easily.  In severe dog ear infections the entire ear including the middle ear must be removed (read more about dog ear infection complications).

Dog ear vet

Read more about dog ear infections

Will my pet need an operation?   

Sometimes, ear infections recur. This can be for a variety of reasons, including the fact that the dog or cat may have a deformed or narrow ear canal or that it may have tumours or growths in the ear. In addition, recurring ear infections often result when the animal has a generalised skin infection. Solving the skin infection will usually eliminate the ear problem.

In cases where a narrowing of the ear canal is present, from a tumour, a long-term infection or a natural deformity, the ear canal remains moist and infections are almost impossible to eliminate. Your pet may need an operation to solve this problem. 

In one operation, your vet removes the skin overlying the outer portion of the ear canal so that the ear canal is open to the air. This results in drying of the canal and elimination of the infection. 

In another operation, called an ear ablation, your vet will remove the entire cartilage of the ear canal and the hole going down to the eardrum. While this usually solves the problem, sadly, the animal will be deaf in that ear. 

If you feel you pet’s ears are causing it problems, don’t delay. Ear infections left untreated can be a very difficult problem.

Dog ear infections: see a vet

Most dog ear infections are best taken straight to your vet.  Any time the ear is red, painful, very itchy, or has discharge, incorrect treatment could cause pain and permanent damage to the ear.  Failing to treat dog ear infections promptly is also a common cause of complications, such as middle and inner ear infections, hot spots and aural haematomas (read more about dog ear infection complications).

Check your dog's ears regularly to ensure you don't miss early ear infections.  Once you find an advanced ear infection, take your dog to the vet.

The key is regularly checking your dog's ears so you catch the first signs of trouble.  Be on the lookout for any signs of ear infections in your dog.

Dog ear vet

Read more about dog ear infections

When should I see the vet?   
Typically, letting your veterinarian professionally examine and clean your pet’s ears is easier and safer. Your vet will look into your pet’s ears with an otoscope to find out what is causing the problem. If mites are present, they will be visible but, in many cases, bacteria or yeasts without ear mites cause the infection. There may also be foreign bodies present, such as grass seeds, which need immediate attention by a veterinarian. 

In many cases your pet will need antibiotics or other prescription medications to solve the problem. Ear medications like this are not available over the counter. 

It may be necessary for your pet to be anaesthetised for the vet to examine its ears correctly. This will also allow proper cleaning and inspection. A sample of the discharge is often taken and this will be examined under the microscope to find out what bugs are present. A swab may also be sent off to a laboratory for a ‘culture and sensitivity’ test. This is done to detect what bugs are present and what medications are best suited to kill them. As you will know, some bacteria are resistant to certain antibiotics.

Be sure to complete the full course of any ointment that your vet prescribes.

Treating dog ear infections

One of the most common questions about dog ear infections is:

"how can I treat them myself at home?"

If you catch and ear infection very early cleaning the ears with a suitable ear cleaning solution like Epi-Otic can be helpful.  Once the ear is red, very itchy, painful or has discharge though, this is likely to sting and may damage the inflamed ear.  If this is the case you should take your dog straight to the vet.

The key is regularly checking your dog's ears so you catch the first signs of trouble.  Be on the lookout for any signs of ear infections in your dog.

Dog ear vet

Read more about dog ear infections


What can I do at home?   
If the problem is caught early enough, then home treatment may be useful, especially if ear mites are the cause. Ask your vet for a good ear cleaning solution that also contains a compound to kill the mites. These preparations contain compounds to dissolve the wax, to reduce bacterial infection and to kill the mites that are present. Put the medication into each ear twice daily or as indicated. 

Dog ear infection symptoms

Because dog ear infections can be painful and can become long term problems, it is vital you know the symptoms of ear infections in dogs.

Dog ear vet

Read more about dog ear infections

How will I know if my pet has an ear infection?   
When an infection starts, a pet will shake its head occasionally and will scratch its ear. This will often progress to the stage where the pet is obviously distressed. It may moan as it tries to scratch its ear. It will rub its head along the ground and may walk with its head at an angle.

If you examine the ear, you will notice that the ears have a pungent smell. You may also see some discharge in the ear, especially in the ear canal. This discharge may be brown in colour, it may be yellow and look like pus, or it may contain blood - not something to ignore.

An insect called an ear mite sometimes causes ear infections. These small creepy-crawlies move around inside the ear canal and cause great discomfort. The ears of the dog or cat react to this irritation by pumping out a waxy discharge. This gunk is an ideal soup for bacteria, yeasts and fungi to grow in, further worsening the problem.

Dog ear infection and haematoma

One of the common complications of dog ear infections is an aural haematoma.  This is where the ear fills with blood, often as the result of injury or constant shaking or scratching.  If you treat your dog's ear infection early you reduce the risk of complications like this.  Other common complications of dog ear infections are middle and inner ear infections, hot spots, and chronic ear infections.

Dog ear vet

Read more about treating dog ear infections

Aural Haematoma In Dogs

Does your dog have a swollen earflap or 'fat ear'? It is likely that he or she has an aural haematoma. An Aural Haematoma is a blood clot in the ear; aural refers to the ear, and a haematoma is a localized collection of blood or serum.

The ear may hang at an unusual angle and the dog often holds it head to the side of the affected ear.

How does an aural haematoma occur?   
The blood that collects between the cartilage and skin of the earflap is due to a burst blood vessel. This can occur if the dog scratches the ear excessively or shakes the head, often as a response to an ear infection, such as ear mites. It can also occur as a result of trauma to the ear.

The haematoma itself won't burst as the pressure of the fluid buildup prevents further bleeding and the blood in the haematoma becomes clotted.

What is the treatment for an aural haematoma?   
Most aural haematomas require surgical treatment. Surgery aims to remove the haematoma, prevent recurrence, and retain the natural appearance of the ear. A long incision is made over the haematoma and the area flushed. Placing a series of sutures obliterates the space where the blood accumulated. These sutures may incorporate a haematoma pad, lengths of tubing, or even buttons to help distribute the pressure over a larger area. A general anaesthetic is required for this procedure.

Often the ear is bandaged, but if the dog does not tolerate the bandage well, an Elizabethan collar may be required to prevent the dog removing the bandage and further traumatizing the ear.

It may be possible to use non-surgical treatment for some small haematomas, especially if the risk of an operation is a concern. The dog is usually sedated and the blood aspirated through a needle. Then a corticosteroid is injected into the space left by the haematoma, and the ear may be bandaged. Repeat injections are sometimes necessary and surgery may still be required if treatment is unsuccessful, so it is preferable to drain the haematoma surgically where possible.

Any underlying ear disease must be treated, as an aural haematoma is usually a sign of ear disease such as infection or a foreign body (for example, a grass seed). Grass seeds are a particular problem so check your dog's ears regularly and seek veterinary attention quickly if your dog starts pawing at the ear, rubbing it along the ground, shaking its head or holding it to one side. Don't wait!

Ear mites and bacterial and/or yeast infections are other causes of ear problems that can lead to aural haematomas. Dogs with hairy ear canals or ones with pendulous ears preventing adequate ventilation are more prone to infections.

What happens if a haematoma is not treated?   
Left untreated, an aural haematoma may eventually resolve by itself, but the ear becomes misshapen (just like the ‘cauliflower ear’ of boxers), and the underlying reason for the haematoma is not addressed, leading to further trauma and damage to the ear, as well as considerable pain for the dog.

Saturday, November 20, 2010

Ear infection in humans!

Dog owners often neglect dog ear infections much too late.  I know when I have ear infections its is painful and unpleasant, even when mild.  Imagine how bad it feels when there is pus and blood!

Wikipedia tells it like it is.

Saturday, November 13, 2010

Dog Ear Infection

Dog ear infections 

If you notice your usually calm dog shaking his head, pawing at his ear and whining, then he may have an ear infection.

 Your vet will make a number of decisions and recommendations to treat your dog in order to treat your dog's ear infection. A vet can determine the cause of the ear infection and prescribe the right type of medicine to treat it. Your vet will probably have you give the dog drops for a week as well as continuing to clean the ear.