are categorised into three groups: external, middle and internal ear infections. External
(also called otitis externa) are the most common.
What You Should Know About Otitis Externa, Media, Interna
The ear is divided into four parts: the pinna, which is that part of the ear outside the head; the external ear canal; the
middle ear, which is found on the inside of the eardrum; and the inner ear, which consists of tubes and nerve structures
that transmit sound to the brain. The inner ear also helps control your pet’s balance.
Animals with droopy ears and a great deal of hair in the ear canal seem to have the most problems with ear
inflammations. These characteristics plus the warmth and enclosed nature of the ear canal provide an excellent
environment for infective agents that cause inflammation.
Bacteria, fungi, and ear mites are common causes of ear inflammation in dogs and cats. Allergies, seborrhea, an
underactive thyroid gland, trauma, foreign objects (plant seeds, for example), and tumors also cause ear inflammation.
Otitis Externa, Media, Interna
Your pet has an inflammation of the external, middle, or inner ear. Ear inflammations are common in pets
and have many causes. Most ear inflammations can be treated successfully and specifically with medications
after appropriate diagnostic tests are completed. Surgery may be necessary for advanced cases. This client
education sheet will help you learn more about these inflammations and will review your veterinarian’s
instructions for your pet’s care at home.
Otitis Externa, Media,
Physical examination
Ear examination
Ear cultures
Thyroid hormone levels
Intradermal skin testing
Therapeutic trials with
insecticides and
hypoallergenic diets
Therapeutic Plan
Removal of ear-canal hair
Ear cleaning
Topical application of
Systemic antibacterials
Systemic corticosteroids
Nutritional Plan
Nutrition based on individual
patient evaluation including
body condition and other
organ system involvement or
Otitis Interna
Neurologic changes
Head tilt and circling
Inflamed inner ear structures
Otitis Externa
reddened ear
Otitis Media
Inflammatory exudates
in the tympanic bulla
Partial occlusion of the
ear canal due to cellular
Inflammatory exudate
Osteomyelitis due to the
infectious process
Most cases of middle ear and inner ear inflammation are caused by bacteria that pass through a ruptured eardrum.
One cause of a ruptured eardrum is overzealous cleaning of the ear canal. Throat infections may also cause middle ear
Examination of the ear canal and eardrum by your veterinarian with an instrument called an otoscope helps determine
the cause. If the ear is very painful, your pet may need to be sedated for a thorough exam. Other tests include
microscopic examination of earwax; ear cultures; thyroid hormone studies; x-rays; surgical biopsy; and therapeutic trials
with parasiticides and hypoallergenic diets.
Treatment and Home Care
Disease of the ear must be treated persistently and specifically. Specific therapy includes parasiticides for ear mites,
thyroid hormones for an inactive thyroid gland, antibiotics for infections, anti-inflammatory medication and hypoallergenic
diets for allergies, and removal of foreign bodies and tumors. In some cases, therapy may need to be continued for six
weeks or longer.
In most cases, the ear will need to be cleaned by your veterinarian and the hair from the ear canal removed before
therapy will be effective. The use of medications to dry the ears is helpful. Surgery may be necessary if the ear canals
are closed, if tumors are present, or if fluid is present in the middle ear.
Home care usually includes administering medications directly into the ear canal. These medications should be
instilled into your pet’s ear(s) according to your veterinarian’s instructions. Once instilled, the medication should be
massaged gently into the ear canal. If you cannot give medications as directed, call your veterinarian. Failure to properly
administer ear preparations could lead to chronic inflammation.
Nutritional Plan
If your pet has an ear inflammation, your veterinarian may suggest a dietary change. Animals with suspected
allergies to food that result in skin and ear disease may benefit from a fixed-formula dietary product formulated from
nutrients to which they normally are not exposed. Such foods include Hill’s® Prescription Diet® Canine and Feline d/d®
and z/d. If your pet has had surgery to correct chronic ear disease your veterinarian may recommend a diet with
increased levels of protein and energy to assist in your pet’s recovery. Such foods include Hill’s® Prescription Diet®
Canine and Feline p/d®.
Transitioning Food
Unless recommended otherwise by your veterinarian, gradually introduce any new food over a seven-day period. Mix
the new food with your pet’s former food, gradually increasing its proportion until only the new food is fed.
If your pet is one of the few that doesn’t readily accept a new food, try warming the canned food to body temperature,
hand feeding for the first few days, or mixing the dry food with warm water (wait ten minutes before serving). However, do
not add water to your cat’s food. Feed only the recommended diet. Do not feed additional salt or any snacks that may
contain sodium. Be patient but firm with your pet.
Presented as an educational service by
Home Care Instructions
Client’s Name: _________________________________________________________
Patient’s Name: _________________________________________________________
Medication(s): _________________________________________________________
Nutritional Recommendation: ___________________________________________________
Follow-Up Appointment: _______________________________________________________ (Hospital Stamp Area Above)
©2004 Hill’s Pet Nutrition, Inc.
®/™ Trademarks owned by Hill’s Pet Nutrition, Inc.