Saturday, November 6, 2010

dog ear infection treatment advice

Dog ear infections require close cooperation with your vet to treat successfully.
Handouts like this one help you understand the problem and the steps needed to fix it.  If not diagnosed early and treated correctly, dog ear infections often recur.

272 MARCH 2004 Veterinary Medicine
Your veterinarian has just informed you that
your dog has otitis, or inflammation of the ear.
There are three stages of otitis. In the beginning,
the external ear canal is affected, and you may
notice that your dog is shaking its head or pawing at
its ear. Your dog might also have an ear discharge,
with or without odor. In the next stage, the disease
spreads to the middle ear, which includes the
eardrum. In the final stage, otitis spreads to the inner
ear, which houses your dog’s balance system.
In the more severe stages, dogs are reluctant to
open their mouths or chew and have a pronounced
head tilt, balance problems, and drooping lips or eyelids.
Luckily, most cases of otitis are caught during the
first stage, and, at this stage, the chances for getting
your dog’s ears back in tip-top shape are good.
How did the otitis develop?
Many things cause dogs’ ears to become
inflamed, including ear mites, a bacterial
or yeast infection, a foreign object or mass
within the ear, allergies, or medical conditions
that allow infection to develop within the
ear. Some breeds are more likely to develop
problems because of their ear structure. It
can take time and a variety of diagnostic
tests for your veterinarian to determine the
underlying cause. But this cause must be
identified, or the problem can worsen
and spread farther into the ear,
causing your dog intense pain and,
possibly, necessitating surgery to drain the
infected material and remove the affected tissues.
Even if bacterial or yeast infections aren’t the primary
cause, they often develop in affected ears. Your veterinarian
will likely prescribe medication to treat these
infections and show you how to administer it. Keep in
mind that frequent follow-up visits will be necessary to
monitor response to therapy.
Cleaning your dog’s ears
An important part of treating your dog’s otitis involves
frequent ear cleanings, which you can do at home.
Make sure you clean your dog’s ears either outdoors
or in an area such as a tiled bathroom where nothing
can be stained by debris from the ear canal. Use a
two-stage cleaning technique. First, flood the ear
canal with cleaning solution prescribed by your veterinarian.
Make sure you fill the canal—don’t just use
a few drops. Allow the solution to remain in contact
with the canal for at least 60 seconds, and gently massage
the entire canal during this time. Dry the canal
with a cotton ball. Use only real cotton balls, which
are less irritating than synthetic ones are. Never clean
your dog’s ears with a cotton swab. The
swab pushes debris farther into the ear
canal and puts the eardrum under pressure,
possibly causing it to rupture. The
second stage is a repeat of the first.
Again allow the solution to contact
the canal for a full 60 seconds or
more and massage the ear. Then
step back and let your dog shake
its head.
The frequency of cleaning
varies based on how severely
your dog’s ears are affected, but,
in general, perform this cleaning
process twice a day for the first one
or two weeks, once a day for the
next one or two weeks, and then
once or twice a week thereafter.
Communicate with your veterinarian
Follow your veterinarian’s instructions for cleaning
your dog’s ears and administering medications. Be
sure to bring your dog in for each recheck appointment
your veterinarian schedules, even after the
inflammation has subsided. Otitis often recurs in dogs,
and the medication that cleared it up the first time
may not work the next time because a different type
of infection may have developed. So be sure to see
your veterinarian if signs do recur. ■

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