Saturday, November 13, 2010

Dog ear infection treatment

Treating dog ear infections comes down to correct diagnosis, cleaning the ear, treating the problem, then keeping the ear clean to prevent the problem in the future.
You need to take your dog to the vet first to diagnose the cause of the dog ear infection.  Sometimes, something else is going on, like a grass seed is in the dog's ear, so this step is vital.  Sometimes the ear canal may be ruptured which is a totally different situation requiring more aggressive, yet careful and long-term treatment.
 Next, the ear must be cleaned so any medication used is effective: antibiotics don't work if the ear is full of gunk.
Then the vet will likely prescribe an ear medication.  In most cases an ointment or drops with antibiotics, antifungals and antiinflammatories is selected.  In severe cases oral medications or injections may also be required.
Once the ear infection is under control, a long term treatment regime is instituted to help prevent ear infections recurring.

Learn more about Dog ear Infection Treatment 

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